
Meditation: Tuning into our minds and bodies

Practice listening to our bodies through this guided mediation


Set Up: Create a quiet and uncluttered space for young people to lie down on the floor. If possible, have blankets and pillows available for them to lie on, or over up with, depending on their preferences.

Adult Narration: We are going to practice listening to our bodies now. So, let’s take a moment to settle down. We can sit on a pillow, or on the floor, lie on our backs, or lean against a pillow. If we want to, we can close our eyes, but we don’t have to. Do what feel most comfortable. Now, get comfortable, and make any adjustments you need to feel cosy.

Close your eyes and take a nice, deep breath, and blow out slowly. And some more nice, deep breath. Now quietly, and to yourself, simply pay attention to anything you are feeling right now. It might be an itch on your big toe, or the feel of the cool floor, or maybe it’s even a thought or a feeling running through your mind, Just try to pay attention and notice. There’s nothing right or wrong about what we feel in our bodies and our minds, so we don’t need to change anything. For now, let’s be very still and quiet so we can listen to our bodies. We’ll take two minutes to do this and when I ring the bell or tell you it’s time to sit up, we will sit up slowly and talk about what that was like.

Ring a bell or gently bring the young people back after two minutes.

Now wiggle your fingers and toes a bit, and sit up.

Adapted from: Beyond Behaviors, Mona Delahooke, 2019

Additional information

Type of Activity

Suitable for ages

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Circle of chairs

Materials needed


Time needed

15 mins


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