Showing 1–16 of 34 results
Topic: Learning for PeaceHave a look at this video showing how this energiser works.
Building a peaceful school
Topic: Learning for PeaceA video where teachers discuss what makes a peaceful school
Circle Mayhem
A mixing game – not as crazy as it sounds!
Circle time evaluation tool
Topic: Learning for PeaceUse this proforma to evaluate how circle time is going in your school.
Class self assessment tool
Topic: Learning for PeaceUse this proforma to evaluate how circle time is going in your class.
Evaluation of the West Midlands Quaker Peace Education Project’s Whole School Approach Programme
Topic: UncategorizedMore details coming soon.
How to have a restorative chat
A summary poster about having restorative chats
Index for inclusion
Topic: UncategorizedMore details coming soon.
Life in schools checklist
Topic: Learning for PeaceA survey is a great way to see how children and adults in your school feel about their school community. This checklist is a good way to do this.
Meditation: Tuning into our minds and bodies
Practice listening to our bodies through this guided mediation
Peace at the Heart
Topic: Learning for PeaceThis paper, published by Quakers in Britain, presents peace education as a comprehensive approach to teaching and learning that puts good relationships– peace at its heart.
Peace education in the curriculum
Topic: Learning for PeacePeace education can be developed throughout the curriculum and opportunities can be found in each area. This document has some examples of how peace education can be integrated into the curriculum