
3.14 Pass the flower pot

A cooperation challenge for the whole class.


Get two plastic plant pots (or any medium sized containers people can fit their feet into. An FE college recently used hard hats for this game). This is a team activity with a competitive element.

Starting seated in a circle – show the group the first plant pot and instruct them to pass it around the circle so it returns to you… But they can only use their feet.

You may need to add additional ground rules to cover what to do if the pot falls on the floor (it will). At Peacemakers we let the group know its ok to pick it up off the floor, not to blame the person whose foot it fell off and return to the game.

Put the plant pot over your foot and swing your leg out to the person next to you.

Once the group have got the passing and swapping of the first pot – introduce the second and have it go in the opposite direction. It gets interesting once the two pots meet in the middle of the circle and two or more people have to negotiate how to swap.

This is a lively game that can produce a lot of laughter and noise. It works best at the end of a session/day.

Additional information

Type of Activity


Suitable for ages

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Circle of chairs

Time needed

15 mins

Materials needed

flower pots


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