Peacemakers also works outside schools with a range of groups from different backgrounds. Community group? Women’s group? Youth Group? Faith group? If you would like to explore peace and conflict resolution, get help with present or past conflict or harm in your group or explore a different approach to community development, have a look at what we offer and get in touch.
Peacemaker Workshops
Exploring peace and conflict and building skills to deal with conflict

Peacemaker Course
Engaging and interactive workshops that take people deeply into a broad and stimulating exploration of conflict and peace. Develop skills for nurturing personal peace, developing peaceful relationships and building peaceful communities.
This exploration leads to greater group cohesion and social and emotional intelligence and the development of particular skills such as conflict resolution, dealing with difficult discussions and learning how to make change happen peacefully.
Groups can choose to focus on particular areas and skill development. So for example you may be a community group or work team wanting a half day on exploring how conflict happens and strategies for dealing with it, or a parenting group wanting to look at managing difficult emotions and discussions, or you may be a youth group wanting to look at all these areas and build skills for life: at home, at work and in the community.
Personal Peace Includes
- Identity
- Self esteem
- Recognising and managing difficult emotions
- Anger Management
- Strategies for self calming
Peaceful Relationships
- Building healthy relationships
- Understanding how conflict grows and escalates
- Strategies for conflict resolution
- Active listening skills
Peaceful Communities
- How to handle difficult discussions
- How to deal with conflict as a community
- How to make change happen
Restorative Approaches
Help resolving conflicts in groups using restorative approach, a peaceful approach to conflict that seeks to address everyone’s needs by offering processes that encourage dialogue, reparation and healing.

Conflicts are inevitable. Sometimes we need help resolving them and building the relationships that have been affected by the conflict. We can offer a restorative approach to help communities repair the relationships and harm that can be caused by conflict.
Accredited by the Restorative Justice Council, our practitioners can work with you to address conflicts that are affecting the group.
Restorative Approach offers:
- An opportunity to tell your story
- A chance to explain how you have been impacted
- A safe, caring and respectful place to share your story
- Involvement and support through a problem-solving approach
- Conflict resolution and a chance to repair relationships
- A better understanding of the incident and its impacts
- An opportunity to take responsibility for one’s actions
- Meaningful outcomes and an opportunity for closure
Positive Women Positive Peace
A course for women seeking peace within themselves, in their relationships and in their community

This course is designed for groups of women who may be experiencing challenges in their lives, and want to find ways of developing the knowledge and skills of peace in a supportive group setting. The course aims to build skills and confidence; improve health and wellbeing; build social networks. Courses funded by the Heart of England Tampon Tax have been run at Anawim, a hub for women in Balsall Heath, Birmingham, and have been well received.
The courses are 12 weeks long [2 hours per week] and shorter courses can be offered. The sessions are conducted in a circle and are structured to allow opportunities to get to know each other, to actively listen to one another, to learn new skills and to affirm one another.
The sessions include exploration of:
- Peace
- Anger
- Needs
- Feelings
- Conflict
- Shame
- Violence
- Making change happen
What’s involved?
This is a typical pathway a group might take…

A group gets in touch
You might be experiencing conflict within your group and want a safe way to understand and talk about what’s going on. Or, you might think that ways to talk about peace (and conflict) might be interesting and beneficial to your group.

We have a chat
We’ll come to you and find out more about you and what you’d like…probably over a cup of tea. We’ll talk through areas of focus such as Personal Peace, Peaceful relationships and Peaceful Communities.

Costs and funding
We’ll talk through what sessions might cost and if there are ways we can fundraise together.

Engaging & interactive workshop(s) take place
The sessions are run by an experienced Peacemaker facilitator.

Together, we’ll evaluate the impact.