
2.8 Bus Stop

An activity for children to explore how choices are made


Two lengths of rope are placed across the circle to represent the bus. The teacher is the bus driver and
the class are the passengers.

They all get on the bus by standing between the two lengths of rope. The bus driver reads a pair of choices and the children have to get off the bus on the indicated side, depending on their choice. The children get back on the bus and the activity is

Left Right
Day Time
Chocolate Cake
One Friend
Deep Sea Diving
Something New
Night time
Chocolate ice-cream
Many friends
Sky diving
Something old

This can open up a discussion on differences and similarities. It can also lead to thoughts about decision-making.

When do people make up their own mind and when do they go with the crowd?
Was it easy to keep to your choice if you were the only one making it?

You could then make a list of more difficult choices:

Spend Money
Do as your friends do
Do homework now
Play with friends
Find out for yourself
Save Money
Think for yourself
Do homework later
Play with new people
Ask for help

This can lead into a discussion about the power of making a real choice. They are not necessarily right or wrong answers but will shape their experience,
e.g. being rushed if they do their homework at the last minute.

Long-term success is achieved through the choices we make both as individuals and as a team. Sometimes we make choices consciously and sometimes we make choices without much thought at all. The choices we make on a daily basis create our future. By becoming aware of our choices, we can decide whether they serve us or not. Each choice we make leads us either closer to or further from our goal. The bus represents the journey we make towards our goal.

Variation: Use questions that seem more relevant to your group from what you observe in the classroom.

Additional information

Type of Activity

Suitable for ages

, , ,

Materials needed


Time needed

15 mins


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