
        • We want a world where people are equipped to deal peacefully and creatively with the inevitable conflicts that arise for all of us.

          We work with schools, units, clubs, committees, teams, collectives and groups of people regardless of age or anything else.

          We support people within communities to build, strengthen and repair relationships at all levels.

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Restorative Work

A restorative approach is a well established process of dealing with conflict that works with all the parties involved, hearing the different stories, exploring thoughts and feelings and finding mutually agreed solutions.

We can also act as external facilitators and come to you to carry out a restorative meeting if you are experiencing conflict. 

What is a Restorative Approach?

A restorative approach offers an alternative way for schools to think about addressing discipline and behavioural issues and offers a consistent framework for responding to these issues. In schools, we train both the adults and the children in ways to use dialogue to respond to disagreements and incidents. Restorative approaches to behaviour and relationship development are growing in popularity throughout the UK and Peacemakers is contributing to a strong evidence base nationally related to increased attendance and attainment, decreased exclusions and improved Ofsted inspection reports.

What are the benefits of a
restorative approach
in schools?

It provides a safe environment and opportunities to discuss problems

It engages participants with dignity and respect

It encourages participants to develop their ‘thinking & feeling’ responses

It develops emotional intelligence through listening & acknowledgement

It leads to more shared understanding

It promotes learning and shared responsibility

It can encourage appropriate behaviour change

Leads to a sense of fairness and respect within the school and the community

A Peacemakers’ Restorative School

What is it?

We work cross-school to develop the ethos, skills and processes needed to build, maintain and repair relationships at all levels. This immersive project usually lasts for 18 months during which we would support changes in behaviour for both the adults and the children, develop school policy, offer strategic support and challenge, develop positive relationships with parents and significantly enhance the PSHE/SMSC/Pastoral offer in school. 

Who is involved?

This large scale project includes a wide variety of training for both adults and children in the school. Ideally we will work with all the children in the school, the majority of classroom staff, most of the support staff and lunchtime staff. It’s likely we will work closely with a senior member of the leadership team and the pastoral team.

What’s included?

The Peacemakers Restorative School project is bespoke programme of peace-building activities that enhance relationships within a school. These activities could include:

  • the development of conflict resolution skills in both adults and children
  • a peer mediation service established
  • a restorative script/language
  • the development of emotional vocabulary and intelligence
  • the development of circle time across the school
  • working with challenging behaviour
  • the development of a shared language around conflict
  • implementation of restorative policies and procedures

Both staff and children will have new ways to resolve problems, repair harm and restore relationships when they break down.

This image gives an indication of a pathway a typical school might take on the restorative school journey.

Need more information?

Peacemaker Restorative Schools

These schools have gone through the Peacemakers Restorative programme:

  • George Dixon
  • Paganel
  • Erdington Hall
  • Kings Norton
  • Fairway
  • Holy Trinity
  • Bells Farm
  • Rounds Green
  • Raddlebarn
  • The Oaks
  • The Meadows

There is a network of schools that meet termly to keep their practice up to date.

Restorative Circles and Support

A Restorative Meeting

If something has gone wrong and it looks like people might like the opportunity to put things right and repair their relationships, then a facilitated restorative meeting could help. At a restorative meeting, all people involved in the incident are invited to come together, listen to the impact of the problem on all the parties and work together to come up with some solutions. This meeting is carried out by a trained restorative facilitator who makes sure that everyone gets heard equally. 

The difference between mediation and a restorative meeting is that mediation can be used where there is a conflict or dispute about a specific incident; whereas a restorative meeting is designed to address the impact of the harm on a relationship.  

Class Restorative Circle

A class restorative circle might be held to discuss something that’s happened at school or an event in the media. A restorative meeting might be held to talk through a difficult exclusion. This could involve parents and staff. In this process, everyone is respected, is treated equally and has the opportunity to speak without interruption. It is a chance for people to tell their own stories, to both speak and listen in a deeper, more heartfelt way. It is an opportunity for people to find their own solutions and repair harm.

We can support staff in school to run their own restorative circle or, if staff would like to be involved in the circle and have their views heard, we can facilitate for you.