
Pass the smile

A simple activity to regulate a group.


Everyone sits in a circle, or just make a stood-up circle at desks with a bit of movement. The aim is to “pass the smile” one at a time around the circle, back to where it began. One person starts and tells the group which way it’s going to go. Encourage students to pay attention to when it’s their turn, and the challenge is completed when it gets around with no hiccups.

When you have tried it with a smile – try passing a tap/clap/thumbs up around the circle.

Make it easier: facilitator use own eye contact to help guide them to whose go it is next
Make it harder: go back the other way, do it as fast as they can, go across the circle using names/eye contact to show who it’s going to

Additional information

Type of Activity


Suitable for ages

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Circle of chairs

Time needed

5 mins


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