The teacher randomly selects a student to sit on the Magic Carpet in the middle of the circle. The Magic Carpet could be a piece of cloth, a peace flag or a picnic blanket.
This is a very special moment. The class are asked to think carefully about this person; what makes them a great friend, a great member of the class. What do they bring to the class that no one else does. Those who want to make a positive comment about that person, place their hands palms up on their laps.
The pupil on the carpet then chooses three people to make an affirmative comment. These could be about peacemaker behaviour, something they’re good at, something helpful they do etc.
Encourage the person on the carpet to make at least one ‘adventurous choice’ – to choose someone who they don’t normally sit with or play with or who they are surprised to see with their hands out. The person speaking looks at the person on the carpet and says ‘ [name of person] we appreciate you in this class because….]. Encourage the speaker to move from generic compliments ‘She’s nice’ ‘he’s friendly’, by asking follow up questions, such as ‘what do they do that makes them friendly?’
The teacher notes down each comment from the 3 students, and produces a certificate for the person on the Magic Carpet to receive at a later date. A template can be found on the website.
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