Group activity
Showing 1–16 of 24 results
1.10 Thoughts, feelings, behaviours
How can you recognise the difference between thoughts, feelings and behaviours?
1.8 Empathy through images
Images of people – how might they be feeling?
2.2 It’s not fair – injury cards
Cards detailing injuries to prompt discussion about fairness
3.16 Cooperation Donkeys
Copy of this picture to cut up for children to rearrange into the right order.
5.6 Stereotypes
Images in two halves to explore stereotypes
Balloon adventure
Topic: Learning for PeaceSuggested items for the balloon adventure
Climate Justice making a difference learning from others
Topic: UncategorizedMore details coming soon.
Conflict scenarios – images
Topic: Learning for PeaceWhat conflicts look like, sound like and feel like – images.
Conflict scenarios – words
Topic: Learning for PeaceWhat conflicts look like, sound like and feel like – words.