Chatterbox – check ins
Chatterboxes can be used as conversation starters in the classroom. We use them in Peacemaker circles. Play a game to mix up everyone in the class and then give a chatterbox to groups of 4 children. Let them play a few rounds and have a discussion, then gather their thoughts and ideas.
4.4 Conflict escalator
Steps of the conflict escalator to understand how conflicts develop.
The sun shines on you
A game to mix up the classroom and find out about each other
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Building a peaceful school
Topic: Learning for PeaceA video where teachers discuss what makes a peaceful school
Peace is not a dirty word
Topic: Learning for PeaceAn article about peace that can be used as part of staff CPD. It was previously published in DEA (Development Education Association) Journal, October 2006.
Peacekeeping peace making peace building grid
Topic: Learning for PeaceWorking in small groups to discuss ideas about peacekeeping, peacemkaing and peacebuilding.
Tale of two schools
A poster comparing two schools – a restorative one and a zero tolerance one
What is a peaceful school
Topic: Learning for PeaceAnother video of teachers thinking about what makes a peaceful school.