
Junior Peacemaker Workshops – 2023

This is a single event.

You can choose from one of the following workshops. They take place over a day in your school and are suitable for KS2.

We are producing a resource which shares the activities from these workshops and more, and we will leave a copy of this with you.

Each workshop explores Peace Within, Peace Between and Peace Throughout, with a particular focus on one or more of these. We also consider how Junior Peacemakers can take action in their school. Download a flyer and a booking form….

Creating a Healthy School ~ wellbeing and relationship building. 

We know that the mental health of children, young people and teachers have been impacted significantly during 2020. This workshop looks at the connections between wellbeing and peace. It offers frameworks for thinking about wellbeing and promotes connecting with nature and the outdoors. The main focus of this workshop will be peace between and the difference a focus on building relationships can make to the whole school.

Taking action: Junior Peacemakers explore how their school is already promoting wellbeing and what can be done to support it further.

Suitable for KS2.

Peace Begins with Me ~ what can we learn about ourselves by going outdoors? 

This workshop takes place mainly in your school grounds [depending on the number of children we are working with and the space you have available]. The main focus will be peace within. We will look at how a focus on your own wellbeing and your sense of inner peace, creates ripple effects that impact on those around you and beyond. Emotional literacy and self-reflection is a large component of the day. This is a dynamic workshop with both active and quiet elements. Components of it will be useful if you are looking for ideas to develop your outside area and complements Forest School activities.

Taking action: Junior Peacemakers will be able to share simple [as in easy to implement] strategies their peers can use for managing ‘big feelings’.

Suitable for KS2

The Climate Emergency ~ unpacking the headlines to find out what matters to us 

The main focus of this workshop is peace throughout. Together we will look at headlines and different perspectives to understand why some are now calling concerns about our climate, a climate emergency.  We will take time to step back and focus on how we are affected by the headlines, how they affect others and what motivates us to make changes in our lives. We will look at how we can implement changes at school that your pupils feel, are important and necessary, and how they can vocalise their ideas and motivate others in ways that are non-violent. The workshop includes activities that promote dialogue, discussion and critical thinking, and makes use of our giant world map. An element of the workshop takes place outside.

Taking action: Junior Peacemakers deepen their understanding of the climate emergency and identify action that can take place at school. The focus will be on children identifying the issues that are important to them.

Suitable for Years 4, 5 or 6

A Sense of Belonging ~ Welcoming refugees and asylum seekers 

This workshop supports the aims of Refugee Week, the UK festival which celebrates the contributions of refugees, and seeks to deepen understanding of why people seek sanctuary.  Birmingham is one of the cities that has signed up to be a City of Sanctuary and more than 350 schools have signed up to be Schools of Sanctuary, creating a culture of welcome and raising awareness of the issues facing refugees and asylum seekers. During the workshop children deepen their understanding of refugee issues and particularly those of children and young people arriving in the UK. The day focuses on peace within, peace between and peace throughout. Aspects of belonging, inclusion and the impacts of bullying or exclusionary behaviour are also explored. An element of this workshop takes place outside, and we will make use of our giant world map.

Taking action: Junior Peacemakers explore how they can engage with their peers to promote a peaceful school culture that is welcoming and supportive for all newcomers to school.

Suitable for Years 4, 5 or 6