
        • We want a world where people are equipped to deal peacefully and creatively with the inevitable conflicts that arise for all of us.

          We work with schools, units, clubs, committees, teams, collectives and groups of people regardless of age or anything else.

          We support people within communities to build, strengthen and repair relationships at all levels.

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        • If you can’t find what you’re looking for, or if you’ve got any questions at all, please do get in touch.

Start Somewhere…

This is a powerful and useful blog from our colleague Ellis Brooks, who is the Peace Education coordinator at Quakers in Britain.  His post may help you think about the events happening in Ukraine and can be a tool for discussions with colleagues and children:

“Young people do not exist in a bunker from reality – they hear the news and others talking about it. Many will know that something is up with Ukraine, Putin and Russia, even if no-one has talked to them about it. Silence about war is scary.”

The blog explores:
– Who is involved in the conflict?
– Why could war break out?
– Is war bad?
– How do we make peace?
– Start somewhere…