
3 Day Accredited Restorative Practitioner training (schools) 2020 **FULLY BOOKED**

This is a single event.

3 Day Accredited Restorative Practitioner Training 2020



A restorative approach offers schools an alternative way of addressing discipline and behavioural issues and offers a consistent framework for responding to these issues. The aim of this training is to contribute to the building of a strong, mutually respectful, safe, inclusive and peaceful school community. This course provides intensive, interactive facilitator training, focusing on an understanding of restorative ethos and the practice of sound restorative practitioner skills.

This course is for schools that are looking to train up staff to facilitate restorative practices such as formal conferences, corridor and playground chats and class circles. The course is suitable for Senior and Middle Leaders, Pastoral Staff, SenCos, Family Workers and class teachers. Ideally, the person attending the course will be able to implement changes when back in school. People from Primary, Secondary and FE settings are welcome. We are limiting the numbers to 12 participants so as to ensure a quality trainer – participant ratio.

This course has met the Restorative Justice Council’s (RJC)  training standards and has been awarded a Training Provider Quality Mark.

THIS COURSE RUNS OVER 3 DAYS: Dates are 20th January, 27th January and the 3rd February. Please use Eventbrite to book. If you are booking more than two people, do make contact so that we can discuss a special offer.

Cost: Early bird £350 per person. Full price is £450 per person. This included 3 days training, all resources, a lovely hot lunch on each day and follow up when back in your school/setting. If you would like to book more than two people on the course – get in touch so that we can reduce the cost for you. ***FULLY BOOKED***