
        • We want a world where people are equipped to deal peacefully and creatively with the inevitable conflicts that arise for all of us.

          We work with schools, units, clubs, committees, teams, collectives and groups of people regardless of age or anything else.

          We support people within communities to build, strengthen and repair relationships at all levels.

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        • If you can’t find what you’re looking for, or if you’ve got any questions at all, please do get in touch.

A Staffordshire School celebrated for its Peacebuilding

Our work in John of Rolleston Primary School is one of six schools in England and Wales to feature in a series of short films created by Quakers in Britain to show the power of peace education. 

Using ‘Learning for Peace’, a resource written by Peacemakers, John of Rolleston students learn to develop inner peace, understand how to make peaceful choices and actions and maintain peaceful relationships. Working regularly in circles, they practice talking about their feelings and listening actively.  

Watch the video here on our Youtube channel.